Annak érdekében, hogy személyre szabjuk a tartalmakat és hirdetéseket, közösségi médiaszolgáltatásokat nyújtsunk, valamint ...
A Fico-kormány fennállásának bő egy éve alatt több szomszédos országgal is megváltoztak a szlovák kapcsolatok. Míg a cseh és ...
Balassagyarmat 1919-ben ezen a napon sikeresen vívta meg városvédő harcát, kiűzve a megszálló csehszlovák csapatokat. Ezzel a ...
key points for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights in the UK and EU following the end of the Brexit transition period upcoming changes to address for service ...
Their local court would then have to apply EU law. UK membership of the ECJ surfaced repeatedly in the run-up to the Brexit referendum and has continued to be a prominent topic. For example, Michel ...
We have made a very, very bad mistake.” Ever since, Remoaners have lost no opportunity to claim that Britain’s problems are all to do with Brexit. A few empty supermarket shelves in 2021 were ...
Hosszan tartó, méltósággal viselt betegség után, 78 éves korában elhunyt Kralován Géza, világbajnok kajakos. A magyar szövetség a honlapján megemlékezésében azt írja, hogy a sportember két ...
Eight years ago, voters across the UK faced a historic choice in the Brexit referendum. Now, five years after officially leaving the EU, the country is still grappling with the fallout.
The courtroom showdown over a trade dispute will be the first between the two since the last Brexit negotiations took place in 2021 conducted by Boris Johnson. To make their case, the EU has claimed ...
This announcement comes just days after Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez laid out plans to slap a 100 per cent property tax on non-EU homeowners in the country. Sánchez has announced a slew of housing ...
By David Gauke The received wisdom in Westminster is that the Brexit process was so bruising and divisive that no party aspiring for power will want to go near the European question for at least a ...
The UK no longer applies EU rules on free movement, which allow EU nationals to travel freely with a valid passport or an identity card. As an EU national, the entry documents required when travelling ...