Most puppies learn tricks like rolling over or shaking, but some dogs are learning skills for a much bigger job.
Take Eva, a spirited Catahoula Leopard Dog who unfortunately had her eyes removed due to severe glaucoma. Eva may be blind, ...
Ruth GriffithsRuth GriffithsRuth Griffiths is a regular columnist in the Prince Albert Daily Herald Rural Roots edition and a former Rural Roots editor.
Bridgerton, a dog with a broken leg, made a quick recovery at the TAPS No-Kill Animal Shelter in Pekin, Illinois, and is ...
Two blind teens had their lives changed forever in Southern Pines recently when they were each given a seeing eye dog.
It’s such a wonderful experience when your pets find happiness in the simplest things life offers, but Heidi MacDonald’s ...
With the help of a dog named Orient and a lot of determination, Bill Irwin became the first blind person to complete the ...
Lily Alford lives a rich and busy life — the 24-year-old wheelchair user says none of it would be possible without guide dog ...
Michael Hutchison was a successful town planner when, in 2014, he inexplicably became blind in his left eye following routine ...
As a volunteer puppy raiser, you'll spend approximately one year working with a Future Leader Dog, developing the foundation ...