Home or mail delivery of the newspaper, unlimited to acces to unionleader.com, our mobile app and the print replica eEdition. Unlimited access to unionleader.com, our mobile app and the print replica ...
A Louisville family is grieving the loss of a man who was hit by a vehicle and died earlier this month. Avery Hazard says on March 19, she and her brother, 33-year-old Marrquon Bartee, left for work ...
A New Jersey mayor was filmed stumbling and losing her balance as she was arrested for drunk driving with her young son in ...
A mayor in Burlington County asked a police office to call the chief after she was arrested for DWI, video shows.
Police released footage of Mayor Gina LaPlaca’s March 17 arrest for allegedly driving under the influence with her young child in the car. The video showed LaPlaca’s interactions with police officers ...