FIVE little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: 'No more jumping on the bed!' FOUR little monkeys jumping on the bed ...
None of the monkeys in Monkeys Don’t Wear Diapers were purchased with the intent to abuse them; yet many of them suffered horribly. Even those with otherwise adequate housing lacked critical social ...
Seven baby monkeys in a lab at the University of California, Davis, died after being accidentally poisoned by a dye used in research, The Guardian reported last weekend (June 16). The deaths, which ...
Northumberland College Zoo welcomes a "vulnerable" baby Goeldi's monkey. Endangered pygmy slow loris Ernest and black-capped squirrel monkey Nuka had to have operations. The Sulawesi crested ...
In the earliest stage of sarumawashi (monkey performance) training, baby monkeys are taught to sit on tiny stools. Gradually they learn to walk on stilts and vault over hurdles. After patrons in ...