Funding for Indian Health Service, the agency that provides Native Americans with medical care, is under threat.
Programs related to invasive species, habitat and trails, native plants and agriculture have all been negatively impacted.
University of Alaska Fairbanks program differs from Lower 48 in drawing from traditional practices for food security, ...
It's a cool, fun way for kids to learn all about Alaska Native culture and language. Your Alaska Link’s learned all about the ...
Their complaint calls for the United Nations to investigate how military waste on Sivuqaq continues to violate the rights of ...
Over the past 25 years, state officials have largely ignored hundreds of requests by rural school districts to fix the ...
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government ...
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.
Tribes face an arduous task in providing care to a population that experiences severe health disparities, a high incidence of chronic illness, and, at least in western states, a life expectancy of 64 ...
On March 13th, 1918, after many years of violating the Sherman Anti-trust Act, Booth Fisheries Company, (Delaware), Booth ...
In my role at the intersection of Native communities and philanthropy, I’ve had to navigate between two different value ...