The lessons to learn are: avoid war, and the drum-beating that precedes it. And avoid technocratic utopian groupthink; avoid ideologies masquerading as science. The Nazi Hunger Plan was devised by an ...
On March 25, 1955, the Vought F-8 Crusader made its first flight, marking the beginning of its legacy as a supersonic carrier ...
Sgt. James Raley's account came almost three months to the day after he improbably survived that fall from the skies over ...
During a recent home station training exercise, the 101st Airborne Division put three of its newly created division-focused ...
However, whilst so many of its fellow carnivorous fish had submarines named in their honor—including the USS Wahoo (whose own ...
The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
But the bold Argentine A-4 Skyhawks’ efforts were all for naught: Argentina surrendered to the British the following day.