* "China gave the answer for where growth would come from: Growth from high tech, growth by higher efficiency, and high-quality growth," remarked Siemens AG President and CEO Roland Busch during the ...
Two humanoid robots walk forward at the exhibition hall of Unitree Robotics in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, Feb. 20, 2025. (Xinhua/Huang Zongzhi) In a video that has mesmerized audiences ...
China is implementing a comprehensive and holistic plan to attract foreign investment with a renewed dedication to top-tier economic opening-up. Faced with global economic uncertainty and an ...
DeepSeek's stunning release of an AI model that can rival ChatGPT at a fraction of the cost and time shows the power of Chinese innovation and lifts up the Global South. While the 47th U.S. president ...
日前,广汽丰田正式发布了其首款纯电SUV铂智3X。这款车凭借600公里的超长续航和14万级高阶智驾引发市场广泛关注,首发1小时内即斩获超万张订单。随着铂智3X的火热上市,一批配套的车规级 ...
图像级超远距激光雷达企业图达通(Seyond)与商用车智能驾驶领军者嬴彻科技(Inceptio Technology)日期联合宣布,双方在前期合作项目成功落地的基础上进一步深化战略伙伴关系,围绕新一代智能 ...
近期,元脑生态伙伴拓尔思信息技术股份有限公司携手浪潮信息,联合为高校AI人才培养推出“AI创新培养综合服务平台”,基于该平台实现实训技术培训、课程资源建设、联合创新竞赛、技能 ...
伴随春天的脚步,一年一度的全国两会如期而至,全球目光聚焦中国。 2025年是“十四五”规划的收官之年。在全国两会召开之际,接受本报记者采访的多位外国专家和华侨华人表示,中国式 ...
2013年,湖北省荆门市钟祥市大柴湖经济开发区成立之初,曾经派人“三顾茅庐”登门邀请李志慧返乡创业。 在如今年产1400万盆花卉的连片大棚里,李志慧感慨地回应,当时回乡创业的时机还 ...
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