Do you have a question about the ‘Link Tax’? What kind of controls will new copyright proposals actually place on content creation? Why do we talk about censorship machines? What is the upload filter?
Your OpenMedia team has just confirmed the location of a new ultra-secretive meeting to finalize the Trans Pacific Partnership’s (TPP) Internet censorship plan. It’s taking place in just a few days in ...
Independent Canadian providers are struggling due to years of regulatory protection of the Big Three cell phone providers and delayed promises from policy-makers to provide access to the ...
All over the world, media publishing giants are lobbying to restrict linking on the Internet. That’s why we launched our ‘Save the Link’ campaign. We made it explicit from the start that we knew what ...
The Canadian government has taken the first step towards creating new privacy rights for people in Canada. After a failed attempt in 2020 and three years of inaction since the proposal of the digital ...
103,000+ community signatures. A TWO THOUSAND-page petition. ONE passionate movement to protect our feeds, content, and online choice. The power of your voice has delivered some of our biggest wins ...
The Link Tax can sometimes be confused with the Streaming Tax, another one of Guilbeault's harebrained policies he's pushing forward at the same time. If you have a question about the Streaming Tax, ...
While we’ve all been distracted by the government’s bumbling overreach with Bill C-10, they’ve launched yet another attack on our online rights and freedoms: a Bell-backed proposal to give the ...
This is a huge win for Canadian Internet users and businesses. As many of you will recall, in late 2014, OpenMedia delivered crowdsourced input from over 30,000 Canadians as part of the hearing that ...
This week my regular technology law column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) focused on the long election campaign and the prospect that digital issues might get some time in the spotlight. The ...
In mid-August, there was a week-long meeting in Mexico to do a "legal scrub" of the TPP text, in order to have the text ready to go for an eventual signing. Toward the end of August, officials from ...
If you’ve been on social media recently, you may have seen all the buzz around the Internet Archive. Here's what's going down: for two years, Big Media publishers have been embroiled in a lawsuit ...