As is the case with anyone nearing retirement age, thinking about minimizing taxes and reducing any future RMDs (Required ...
Whenever anyone thinks about a 401(k), there’s a pretty good chance it’s widely mentioned as one of the best retirement ...
Question: “I’m a 63 year old retiree with no kids or heirs and $600,000 in one account. I don’t mind spending down my money, ...
I am 70 and I have $1.4 million in traditional IRAs. Is it best to do $160,000 in Roth conversions for the next 1-3 years to reduce my high RMDs in about 5-10 years? That would put me in the 24% tax ...
To close out the 2019 calendar year, President Trump signed the "SECURE Act" into law. Fully titled, "Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019," the law provides ...
It's natural to want to spend retirement in a comfortable home with plenty of amenities. But hanging onto a larger property ...
The Government Pension Offset was more draconian. It cut spousal and survivor Social Security benefits by two-thirds of the non-covered pension, often to zero. Many married, divorced and widowed ...
The City of Detroit is celebrating the success of Grow Detroit's Young Talent while launching another year of the successful ...