Ruling HDZ-led coalition regains its slender majority of one after far-right Homeland Movement MP Josip Dabro is released ...
The ruling coalition will lose its majority in parliament for at least a month after a court ordered pre-trial detention for ...
Prije nešto više od mjesec dana Dabro je podnio ostavku na dužnost ministra poljoprivrede nakon objave snimke na kojoj puca iz pištolja sa suvozačkog mjesta automobila ...
Croatia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Josip Dabro, has been arrested for violating children's rights and illegal possession of weapons. The MP of the ...
Sud će odlučiti ima li osnova da mu se uskrati sloboda. Sve i da se se isprovocira Dabrinu nevjernost vladajućima u budućnosti, zaboravlja se da su zastupnički rizici znatno porasli. Primanja su im ...
An extraordinary session organized by the opposition parties, LDK and PDK, is expected to be held in Gjilan today, where the opposition parties in Gjilan have publicly declared that the municipal ...