If Sony is open to putting some of its more niche games on Switch, there’s plenty of good ones that could make the jump ...
From Ape Escape to LocoRoco, a lot of classic PlayStation franchises would work incredibly well on Nintendo Switch.
A heartfelt adventure about ferrying lost souls to the afterlife may not seem like a relaxing escape, but wait until you play ...
Netflix has confirmed its slate of movies being removed in March 2025 and there’s good news and bad goods. The good news is ...
The modern Planet of the Apes film series, which launched with 2011’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes, is one of the more unlikely Hollywood success stories in recent memory. Breathing new life into ...
The line-up includes Ape Escape, which is set to make a cameo in Metal Gear Solid Delta, Tekken, The Legend of Dragoon, Killzone Liberation and more. All you need to start gaming, aside from the ...
Now players can dive into the likes of Ape Escape, Tekken, Legend of Dragoon and more. As it remains in beta, the cloud streaming service is only available in 30 countries, though that does ...
Disney is hosting a Hollywood premiere of “Snow White” on March 15, but the studio won’t be rolling out a robust red carpet like it usually does. The afternoon festivities will include a pre-party and ...
Obviously, the fastest way to get the Great Ape Form in Dragon Soul is to take out your wallet. For 12,000 Robux, you can buy it in the game store. However, we feel that flushing $120 is just too ...
It will turn their partner into a monkey that looks like they came straight from the Ape Escape series. Their weapon is even funnier as it’s a banana with the magic element of ice imbued into it.