The commission was all hands on deck, putting so much strain on their resources that they were forced to alter protocol.
The forester says two or three days after rain comes and goes, “light fuels” like grasses and leaves dry out and if high wind ...
The commission was all hands on deck, putting so much strain on their resources that they were forced to alter protocol.
Alabama Forestry Commission firefighters helped fight more than 180 wildfires burning approximately 1,700 acres.
A good portion of the state of Alabama, including nearly all of the Wiregrass, is in the “Abnormally Dry” intensity category ...
Despite a little rain Tuesday evening across the state, the Alabama Forestry Commission has not lifted its policy put in ...
Ahead of last night’s storm system, gusty winds and low relative humidities resulted in extremely erratic fire behavior. On ...
Alabama saw a record 181 wildfires Tuesday, burning 1,700 acres. The AFC warns against outdoor burning amid high fire risks.
The Alabama Forestry Commission stated its firefighters suppressed 181 wildfires Tuesday, a record number for the agency in ...
Agricultural or silvicultural fires more than a quarter acre in size or within 25 feet of a forested area require a permit ...
Recent rainfall has provided some relief to the wildfires raging across Alabama, but experts warn that it is not enough to ...
On Wednesday the 26th, one of these fires came dangerously close to reaching one of the county's public safety communications towers.” Avery noted dry, windy conditions contributed to the amount of ...