The unpredictable availability of salmon and other fish is putting additional pressures on the subsistence rights of Alaska Natives.
Gig Harbor Women have transformed the Alaskan fishing industry since the 1970s, overcoming superstitions and proving their ...
Sustainable fishing policies passed in the 1970s have backfired in rural Native villages, where many family-run boats have ...
The hydrokinetic turbine pilot project, scheduled to launch in June, is a partnership between the Native Village of Napaimute ...
You are probably familiar with the story of 'A young bull and an old bull at the top of a hill. Hundreds of cows are grazing below.' ...
Surveys were sent to landowners at all addresses along the river from McConnell’s Landing to Carter’s Bridge in the Paradise Valley.
Eastman goes into depth about the challenges faced in the legislature, his stance on At Alaska Watchman we definitely have certain beliefs and concerns, which guide what we find newsworthy and how we ...