Why This Football Manager Update Matters With the absence of FM25, maintaining realism in your Football Manager experience is crucial. This update brings your game up to date with the current ...
Now players will have to wait until the next instalment, FM26. Those who have pre-ordered FM25 have been promised refunds. 'Sports Interactive regret to inform that, following extensive internal ...
"We could have pressed on, released FM25 in its current state, and fixed things down the line - but that's not the right thing to do. We were also unwilling to go beyond a March release as it ...
"For the large number of you who pre-ordered FM25, we thank you enormously for your trust and support -- we're very sorry to have let you down," Sports Interactive said in a statement. "We know ...
Sega i Sports Interactive ogłosiły anulowanie Football Manager 25, aby w pełni skoncentrować się na przygotowaniach do kolejnej odsłony serii. Decyzja ta została ujawniona dzisiaj rano jako część ...