Certain foods and drinks consumed before bed can significantly impact sleep quality. Discover 7 sleep-disrupting culprits and how timing your intake can help.
Experts highlight the potential of under-utilised treatments like monoamine oxidase inhibitors while examining emerging ...
But a food-first approach can be just as beneficial ... While certain types of alcohol contain tyramine, all varieties have been found time and time again to interfere with healthy sleep patterns.
Migraines involve episodes of severe head pain along with dizziness, nausea, and sensitivity to sound and light ...
These foods contain tyramine, which can increase blood pressure and cause other serious side effects when taken with St John’s Wort supplements. How long does it take for St John’s Wort ...
We all know that certain foods can be triggers ... and alcohol—especially red wine—all contain compounds that can cause migraines? These compounds are specifically things like tyramine and histamine.
Coumarin Derivatives Containing Sulfonamide and Dithioacetal Moieties: Design, Synthesis, Antiviral Activity, and Mechanism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2022. Vol. 70:5773–5783 Matos ...