Each lizard is unique. Some have longer legs, others stronger jaws, and all behave slightly differently. The differences ...
Feedback, a Lego fan, delves into a new science-related set, and learns that the model of a DNA double helix is the wrong way ...
In a new study published today in Science, researchers from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (RBG Kew), together with global ...
On the universal tree of life, all eukaryotic life falls ... on Earth and elsewhere in the universe. If the evolution of humanlike life was more probable than the hard-steps model predicts ...
ETH researchers discovered related structures in Asgard archaea and describe their structure. These experiments show that ...
After consultation with his colleague Robert Morley, he realises with amazement that, unlike the dinosaurs, the relatives of ...
Who were our earliest ancestors? The answer could lie in a special group of single-celled organisms with a cytoskeleton similar to that of complex organisms, such as animals and plants.
The study, published in Science, reconstructs the family tree of mollusks and provides ... The new genome-based phylogeny of the phylum Mollusca is consistent with the fossil record and morphology ...
Penn State researchers propose that Earth and life have evolved together in a way that is more typical of life-supporting ...
While Silicon Valley dreams of sleek, uniform progress, India opts for a patchwork quilt stitched together with hope, desperation, and duct tape ...
He was hard to miss if you were driving to Bellingham. A giant stuffed sloth lived in a tree off Interstate 5 (I-5) near Lake ...
Last week, two members of the Unfrozen studio visited our HQ with a playable build of Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era.