The Treaty of Versailles, which was signed on 28 June 1919, was intended to bring peace following World War I — but instead ...
Delegates from 32 countries met in Versailles in June 1919 and signed a peace settlement called the Treaty of Versailles. The terms of the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for their ...
The warring parties in first world war signed no fewer than 16 peace treaties at the end of the devastating conflict. The most important was the 1919 Treaty of Versailles in which the victorious ...
Twenty years later, the contradictions laid down by the Treaty of Versailles led to the Second World War.
BERLIN, March 16, 1935 (UP) - Reichsfuehrer Hitler, in a sudden, breath-taking announcement, today denounced the military clauses of the Versailles Treaty and proclaimed immediate general military ...
or the Treaty of Versailles, was signed. There are a variety of ticket options to choose from. If you'd like to see the palace, the gardens, the temporary exhibitions, the park and more ...
Delegates from 32 countries met in Versailles in June 1919 and signed a peace settlement called the Treaty of Versailles. The terms of the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for their ...