Think the yellow sprinkling of flora alongside the I-17 highway is testament to a beautiful blooming spring? Think again.
These plants and animals are environmental blights ... flowers that produce hundreds of seeds at a time. Salt cedar, or tamarisk, is found along waterways and riparian areas.
Tamarisk, based in the beautiful town of Bourton ... The new range features eco-conscious plant-based foams, recycled fibres, and sustainable fillings, all rigorously tested for longevity and ...
Leafy spurge, originally from Central Asia and Eastern Europe, consumes space and outcompetes native grasses and plants. It thrives in dry, wet, and nearly every other environment. It’s nearly ...
Later finds at the site even uncovered a new species of plant, called Ramnos alaternos ... as well as mastic and tamarisk trees. Amazingly, the researchers were also able to determine that the climate ...
When Dave Herrero came to Southern Utah to see tamarisk-removal efforts by the Desert Preservation Initiative, an Ivins-based ...
Two topics which seemed to be top of mind for many gardeners visiting the show related to whether or not this winter’s cold and snow have harmed landscape plants, and if cold temperatures will ...
Perry S. Gerber, age 90, resident of Tamarisk North Shore, in Deerfield, formerly of Skokie; respected and dedicated pharmacist and co-owned Orange Drugs, in Schiller Park for over 35 years.