You may have read last weekend about the town in Spain, Magallón, burying the remains of some of those whom Francoists ...
The participation of Sumar in the war plans underscores the political complicity of middle class pseudo-left parties in ...
Sumar, the PSOE’s junior coalition partner, known for offering mild criticisms of government decisions for not being “left” ...
With its vibrant history, rich culture and dramatic landscapes, this stunning setting is also a perfect backdrop for ...
Our Father, Our President' tells the scandalous story of Catalan politician Jordi Pujol, starring Josep M. Pou.
Spain’s carnival season’s in full swing! Beyond the well-known revelry of singing, dancing and processions, are you familiar ...
The longtime-catering concept from Daniel López and Camilo Franco is soon to become brick-and-mortar as Paseo is set to open in March at The Commons.
Discover some formidable countries with citizenship by descent which allow individuals to claim nationality through their ...
Twentieth-century Spain could boast of world-leading artists from Salvador Dalí to Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso. Yet ...
She was born in Spain under the Francisco Franco dictatorship, but was adopted by an American family and became a U.S.
Donald Trump's second term as president has been characterized by an utter disregard for the foundational principles of the ...
The film captures his transformation from a symbol of Catalan resistance under Franco’s dictatorship to ... much interest from the media here in Spain, as we believe it will on the international ...