Since the establishment of South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) in 1912, their demand has been an end to all forms ...
There are many parallels between apartheid South Africa and Israel today — perhaps a one-state solution is not that far away ...
The Story of Living in Apartheid, has just been published in South Africa. Intended for young people but speaking to readers ...
His characters – tramps, discarded people, poor people, people on the fringes – are connected with all the people we know of ...
South African writer and theatre director Athol Fugard was acclaimed at home and abroad for plays that exposed the injustices ...
Athol Fugard, who has died aged 92, was widely acclaimed as one of South Africa's greatest playwrights. The son of an Afrikaner mother, he was best known for his politically charged plays challenging ...
Heads continue to turn northwestwards, here in South Africa. Eyes and ears are carefully tuned not only to the latest ...
The Story of Living in Apartheid was written by two academics for readers of all ages to know about the pain and the triumph ...
On March 17, 1992, white South Africans voted in a national referendum to end more than 40 years of apartheid. While racial ...
“Boesman and Lena,” about a mixed-race couple who are thrown off their land by whites and have to scrape by as they wander the mudflats of the River Swartkops in South Africa, was staged Off Broadway ...
in South Africa. It was for the first of three books I've written on his plays. I had just seen his play Boesman and Lena in London. It absolutely knocked me out with its emotional power. Boesman and ...
When apartheid ended, and Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa, Athol Fugard thought his life ... one Black, the other of mixed race, who can pass for white. Fugard, who was also an ...