Soller is working on some measures - which Majorca Daily Bulletin called "tough" - to reduce the number of cars in the town ...
The changes are being introduced in response to growing concerns over excessive tourism in the Balearic Islands.
La Policia espanyola ha neutralitzat diversos canals de difusió d’una xarxa de missatgeria instantània que es feien servir ...
La veu d'alarma la va donar un dels policies tutors de Manacor, al qual algunes menors li varen manifestar que en un canal ...
Les menors alerten que circulaven imatges captades sense permís i que anaven acompanyades d’insults i vexacions de caràcter ...
Un dels set ciclistes integrants de la selecció alemanya de ciclisme en pista que dilluns passat van resultar ferits després d'haver estat atropellats per un turisme conduït per un home de 89 anys al ...
The local authorities in Soller, Majorca, has announced plans to create 300 more parking space following problems with bumper-to-bumper traffic. Soller Town Hall said the spaces will be added to ...
Soller Town Hall, which has been seeking solutions to traffic ... To be able to write a comment, you have to be registered and logged in Currently there are no comments. Passeig Mallorca 9A, 07011 ...
Max Branch's seven pet cats turn his Brooklyn, New York, home into a biscuit-making factory every day, working hard at their jobs kneading away. Cat owners and cat lovers on Instagram and TikTok ...
Així s'ha expressat aquest dimecres l'ecosobiranista Lluís Apesteguia a la roda de premsa posterior a la Junta de Portaveus, en què ha criticat que la metodologia del Pacte “no és clara ni ...
It appears in many species of animals, but cats are the most common that transmit the parasite to humans. Over 40 million people in the U.S. are infected with toxoplasmosis. People and animals ...
If alternate universes do exist, there is probably one where the dominant cartoon animal (assuming they all have one) is not a mouse named Mickey, but a cat named Felix. And in this alternate ...