I SELDOM invite friends to come to church with me and, after Sunday’s morning service that was so deeply moving, I don’t know why. If you knew a great bakery, you’d tell people. If you read ...
Now is not a time to deny that it is dark, says Sr. Christine Schenk. It is a time to lean on God's own Spirit to help us ...
Letter: We can ponder the rebirth of spring with its colorful array of flowers, plants and lush greenery; however, we can also muse upon our own rebirth and spiritual awakening with repentance and ...
But he wants to bless you so you can be a blessing to others. Listen to me closely: If your success helps others and if your success honors God, you’d better be praying for it! God wants you to help ...
Laura Jane Grace played her new song, “Your God (God’s Dick),” at a Bernie Sanders event in Wisconsin. The right was not happy.
What I saw around me that summer in Harlem ... and that, God help us, is exactly the way most white Americans sing them—sounding, in both cases, so helplessly, defenselessly fatuous that one ...
He also quoted St. Paul’s exclamation in the first letter to the ... and call upon God’s help to attain it? Do I concretely experience the hope that enables me to interpret the events of ...
A six-page handwritten letter ... me to keep quiet about it. Of course the money angle is important - to all of us --especially after all the petty s**t that came from your insane family and God ...
God patiently listens and then answers. "I was ready to be sought by those who did not even ask for My help. I was ready to ...
“Something happened inside of me ... a self-help guide — to describe her passage from a broken spirit to recovery. Her first step was to write two letters, one of which said: “God, I ...
Or at least it ended for me when the Guardian published an article with the immortal headline “High shower pressure can help people save ... Trump, as is so often the case regarding almost ...
Finally, covenants invoke blessings and curses. We see this, for example, when someone says, “so help me God” (blessing), or “I’ll be damned” (curse). It is interesting that the Hebrew ...