Bids totaling more than $20 million have come in for three more University of the Arts buildings, according to the public ...
To the list of buildings in downtown Minneapolis in need of a new purpose, add the one on 20 Washington Av. S. Initially ...
Why the stark 20th-century architectural style is back in vogue.
Florida voters need to send a message to the climate deniers. Floridians are suffering and solutions will not present ...
Back then, I approached commercial real estate as a puzzle: complex, fascinating and full of moving parts. Ten years later, ...
recently destroyed several buildings in Jenin," the military said in a statement, adding that the structures "were used as terrorist infrastructure". An AFP journalist reported thick columns of ...
Helena High’s fragile heating shows how decades of deferred maintenance – delaying non-urgent repairs and replacements in ...
UNDER THE Trump administration, the era of big government may be over. Since his inauguration, the 47th president is ...
A Jadavpur University professor warns that leaning buildings in Kolkata and other Indian cities may collapse if a major earthquake strikes, citing soil issues and construction violations as key ...
Additions including solar power to a co‑operative housing block in Zürich by Lütjens Padmanabhan aim to extend the ...
While I can appreciate the Sept. 20 article by city Administrator Bill Reynolds named “TIF: Fact vs Fiction,” this topic requires a broader scope and explanation. First let’s start with a ...
This is my final column for the Des Moines Business Record, which has carried my musings since 2012. Beginning next month, the Elbert Files will have a new home at a sister publication, dsm magazine, ...