Illinois' Six Flags Great America -- Wrath of Rakshasa The steepest ... gravity-defying final straightaway drop to the finish line pool below. The new Splash River Junction will also feature ...
Located in north suburban Gurnee, Six Flags Great America is preparing to open for the season, one in which the park will debut its 16th roller coaster, the record-breaking Wrath of Rakshasa ...
a 500,000-gallon wave pool, a lazy river and plenty of rides ranging from tame to thrilling. Recent visitors offered mixed reviews of Six Flags Hurricane Harbor Splashtown, especially in reference ...
Six Flags Great America is putting the final touches on its newest attraction—"Wrath of Rakshasa," a record-breaking dive roller coaster that park officials say will be the steepest and most inverted ...
What's more, summer visitors can beat the heat at Hurricane Harbor, which offers a range of water rides, from a lazy river to a wave pool to slides. Across both parks (Six Flags and Hurricane ...
Six Flags White Water boasts more than 24 state-of-the-art water slides, interactive children's areas and wave pool. Six Flags Over Georgia and White Water are the region's premier destinations ...