Kang Han Na is in talks to star in Husbands, directed by Park Gyu Tae of 6/45 fame. As fans await confirmation, 2025 is shaping up to be a busy year for the actress. Read more!
FaceTime is more than just one-to-one chats. Here's how to filter out background noise, leave a message, add callers, and more with Apple's video-conferencing app.
Tiny sphere-shaped foods seem to be everywhere, entertaining mouths with their pop-ability and the sometimes unusual transformation of familiar foods.
When Jacqueline Kennedy joined the Dallas presidential motorcade that November morning in 1963, her double-breasted pink suit ...
A silicone toe cap to help protect and heal ingrown toenails, corns, and bunions that might have snuck up on you. Not only does it work its magic to make you feel better now, but it also helps prevent ...