Early retirement isn’t exclusively for the rich. Many people use a couple of key calculations to determine how much money they need to sustain an extended stay in retirement.
Can I withdraw my 401(k) if I get laid off? Learn your options, tax penalties and strategies to manage your retirement ...
In 2025, the SECURE 2.0 Act allows a new "super catch-up provision" for individuals who turn ages 60 to 63 before the end of ...
Pre-Tax Vs. Post-Tax Catch-up contributions made before year-end can go to either traditional retirement accounts, which reduce current-year income taxes, and are known as pretax funds, or to Roth ...
You’ve probably got one or two financial jobs on your to-do list that you were too busy to get to or perceived as boring ...
Jorgen Vik is a certified financial planner and partner with SKV Group LLC. Investment products and services are offered ...
If you have a 401(k) plan available to you at your workplace and you're participating in it, routing a certain percentage of ...
Therefore, a Roth IRA provides a "much longer runway for tax-free investing," said certified financial planner Thomas Scanlon ...
A custodial Roth IRA is a retirement account for minors that allows for tax-free growth. It provides all the benefits of a ...
Retirement often feels far off for adults in their 30s and 40s, making it easy to put off saving. But once you hit your 50s, ...