It seems dichotomous that Rose of Sharon, a filly who grew into a massive, raw-boned seventeen-hand Amazon with lop ears, should have been named after the delicately beautiful flowering shrub of the .
A deep red rose in Barbra Streisand's garden produced a new, gorgeous pink variety: Barbra's Baby. You can buy it now.
Pennsylvania falls within the defined USDA Northeast region of the U.S.: the western Pennsylvania specific USDA Planting Zone is 6 (6a and 6b). This means that plants should be selected that can ...
Fall leaf color ... Bush Honeysuckle will attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds and is a host plant for the Laurel Sphinx moth and the Snowberry Clearwing. Rose of Sharon (Cephalanthus ...
A beautiful way to add more color to your yard is by planting flowering shrubs. These 30 options provide stunning foliage and ...
Birmingham Botanical Gardens is one of Alabama’s most cherished green spaces and home to an impressive collection of roses in ...
No need to wait years for a return on your investment. These shrubs will quickly stake their claim to a spot in the ...
If you’re like me, you love adding a pop of color to your yard and making it ... Choose a variety that is well-suited to hedging, such as the Rose of Sharon. While selecting hibiscus plants ...
The multiflora rose has its origins in East Asia, which is why it's been able to spread in the US as an invasive species.
Garden expert Richard King, at Dino Decking, shared his top tips for cultivating a beautiful rose bush in the garden. From now until March, bare-root roses are the "best choice" to plant in the ...