Lower Cape May Regional graduated a strong senior class from its 12-8 campaign, but the Caper Tigers look to remain ...
The Classics Symposium will explore the lasting influence of classical studies and feature reflections on its evolution from experts in the field.
Some say Brian Burch’s appointment could be a harbinger of further tension between the Vatican and the Trump administration.
Shark Tank season 15 episode 20 aired on April 12, 2024, featuring entrepreneur Angie Cella and her daughter Cambria presenting their company, Blinger. They introcuded it as a styling tool that ...
Roman Barnas likens his teaching to training athletes, “because the body position matters,” he said. “This is muscle memory.” He’s an expert in the craft and history of the instrument.
The Tribal Chief is back and ready to settle up with CM Punk and Seth Rollins. Roman Reigns spoiled the Raw main event by leaving both men laying at the close of the show. The Tribal Chief is back ...
Croatia In 301 A.D., the Emperor Diocletian made a bold but ultimately unsuccessful bid to address the inflation that was rampaging across the eastern half of the divided Roman Empire. Prices of ...
Pier Paolo Petrone In 79 C.E., Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying the nearby ancient Roman city of Pompeii and the smaller town of Herculaneum under deadly layers of volcanic ash, pumice and ...
The Tribal Chief was a character, Heyman says, inspired by a cinema classic. “When Roman Reigns and I came up with the character, I had Roman study Apocalypse Now, because the initial launch of ...
This is a time for great rejoicing and liturgical renewal. The official version of the Roman Missal is called the Latin Typical Edition. In 2002 the Holy See approved the Third Typical Edition of ...
A 13-year archeological excavation has shown that what was once believed a backwater town for the Roman Empire lasted far longer than originally believed. Interamna Lirenas was a thriving town ...