Whitney, the author of Family Worship, suggests having a regular time each day for the practice and choosing a time when the ...
In addition to Washer and Chou, other members of the Q&A panel included Conrad Mbewe, author and pastor of Kabwata Baptist ...
Teachers, parents, and pastors are mounting a mass resistance against Ryan Walters’s mandate requiring that public school ...
and at the intersection of Thomas and North Main streets stands the First Baptist Church in America, which was built in 1775. The church was founded in 1638 by Roger Williams, the Puritan minister ...
He needs these workers from down south, but Henry Ford don't know no black people down south, so he has to work with black organizations, Second Baptist Church, Ebenezer AME, St. Matthews ...
Baptist minister John Leland ... Williams argued that the Puritans were hypocrites because they remained within the Church of England rather than making a clean break, as the Pilgrims had done.
A.J. Gordon, the Baptist pastor and founder of ... They did not, however, want a Constantinian-type church that is a ward of the state and lacking in spiritual and moral strength. This is why the ...
"I took a difficult church, prayed that God would help me and the church split ... Jerry Rankin, president emeritus of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, pointed to ...
This piece contains analysis of the 2023 Annual Church Profile (ACP). The 2024 ACP data will be released later this year.