Glee, which won six Emmys during its run ... Mark Salling (Noah "Puck" Puckerman) died by suicide in January 2018, after having struck a plea deal in a child pornography case.
LOS ANGELES - Mark Salling, who played bad-boy Noah "Puck" Puckerman in the hit musical-comedy "Glee," died Tuesday, several weeks after pleading guilty to possessing child pornography.
How many Broadway shows has Darren Criss been in? Darren Criss has appeared on Broadway in 4 shows. How many West End shows has Darren Criss been in? Darren Criss has not appeared in the West End.
It will be an amazing night revisiting my time on Glee, singing songs from Funny Girl, and telling stories along the way.” Subscribe to our daily email digest for the latest headlines.