Sunday, March 16, is the Second Sunday of Lent. Mass readings: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18; Psalm 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14; Philippians 3:17-4:1 or Philippians 3:20-4:1; Luke 9:28b-36.
"I have problems with people who want to take my kids and throw me in jail!" In a rant on X, Kanye West railed against the "Kardashian horde", who he says are denying him free access to his (and ...
Brandon Lake Last week Weeks at no. 1 Weeks on chart B.M.Lake, S.Furtick, B.W.Hastings, C.J.Brown M.Nichols Brandon Lake/Essential/PLG Greatest gainer this week Gains In Performance ...