Dermatologists like Rossi think people can skip showers altogether, multiple days per week. This view isn’t unanimous, though ...
Soap combines fats or oils with sodium hydroxide (in the case of soap bars) or potassium hydroxide (for liquid soap). These ...
Getting to outer space is tough, but living there presents a whole new slew if issues. Check out how astronauts accomplish ...
Soap making is made possible by a chemistry reaction called saponification. The highly reactive substances used for this, commonly referred to as lye, are potassium hydroxide and/or sodium hydroxide.
Sure there are caskets and cremation, but did you know about composting and green burials? Here's a primer, because it never ...
Windsor residents can pick up a package of KI (potassium iodide) pills to be used during a nuclear incident, thanks to the efforts of the local health unit. The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is ...
And this can be an issue because potassium plays a role in many bodily functions, including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and maintaining fluid balance. One of the most important things ...
Acesulfame potassium is a common artificial sweetener. Some people suggest acesulfame potassium side effects include an increased risk of cancer and harm during pregnancy. However, more research ...
Potassium is a vital mineral that plays a key role in several bodily functions, including blood pressure regulation, fluid balance maintenance, and muscle and nerve function support. Despite its ...
Magnesium and potassium are both fundamental minerals required for our body to function at its best. Magnesium plays a vital role in muscle and nerve function, heart rhythm, and maintaining bone ...