Flowers can produce showy displays that appeal to pollinating insects or animals, but some "cheat" by enticing pollinators ...
Ironically, the same activists also discourage the adoption of modern biotechnology (Genetic Modification Organisms ...
A friend of mine asked me why he would have pecans for some years and none other times. Harvesting pecans can be a challenge ...
The organization Practical Farmers of Iowa is helping urban crop growers use beneficial insects to control pests, boost soil ...
March in New England brings the earliest signs of spring. Plants that have been dormant all winter start to wake up and so do ...
As spring warms the soil, gardeners begin the enjoyable and satisfying work of transferring seedlings and young starts into ...
Research in New Phytologist indicates that the tendency of flowers to be “honest” and reward pollinators with nectar is partly genetic, meaning that it can be passed down through generations.
An army of experts and citizen scientists devoted to documenting and protecting the country’s native bees is telling us a lot ...
In some regions of the world, wild-caught insects have been a valuable source of protein for centuries. However, the mass ...
Scientists have shown that one portion of the petunia’s genetic code can direct the creation of molecules behind the plant’s ...