Throughout the series' 29-year history, the Pokémon series has produced over 20 main series games and countless spinoffs, all ...
The latest expansion to Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket is bringing the elusive shiny to the mix in Shining Revelry along ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket players are eager to see Professor Oak receive a full art card as more iconic trainers continue to join ...
As shared on Pokemon's official site, trade tokens will be completely removed from the game by this fall. In their place, ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket is set to make sweeping changes to its most controversial feature.
Pokémon TCG Pocket is completely reworking key mechanics of the game’s trade feature after listening to fan feedback in February.  Trading was introduced to Pok ...
After feedback from fans made it clear no-one likes the trading system in Pokémon TCG Pocket, the developers are changing how ...
Community backlash has made it so the Pokémon Company will change the trading system in Pokémon TCG Pocket for the better, ...
The developers of Pokémon TCG Pocket have finally offered specific details on major improvements coming to the game's much-loathed trading function, which has been an absolute mess since launch. And ...