Shining Revelry, the next mini-set for Pokémon TCG Pocket, will be released on March 27th. Here is a list of its best cards!
An elite deck is one that you win consistently with, and which is widely regarded as tough competition by other trainers. In ...
Leafeon ex's Forest Breath essentially provides Celebi ex 2 energy per turn, boosting its offensive potential. Ability: Fragrant Flower Garden – Heals 10 damage from each of your Pokemon once ...
Since Serperior’s Jungle Totem ability effectively doubles the energy count, Celebi ex becomes even more devastating, flipping extra coins for potential massive damage. The combination of being a ...
In our opinion the best TCG Pocket deck remains Celebi ex, and it’s only become ... the current Pokémon TCG Pocket meta thanks to its ability to hit Pokémon on the bench.
Celebi Ex & Leafeon Ex deck now counter Charizard Ex/Moltres Ex thanks to Leafeon Ex's Forest Breath ability making Celebi ... card healing all Water Pokemon with Water Energy.
One of the new Pokémon introduced in this expansion, Shaymin has an extremely useful Ability that reduces the ... In particular, Mew ex and Celebi ex take full advantage of this beneficial ...
Leafeon Ex’s strength comes not from its Solar Beam attack, which does 70 damage for 3 total energy, but rather its Forest Breath ability ... Pokemon long enough to retreat out into a Celebi ...