Quand le Brutalibré de Sacha trouve un oeuf de Pokémon, les héros, et surtout Braisillon, s'unissent pour le tenir au chaud. Soudain, un mignon petit Sonistrelle en sort. Il voudrait bien voler, mais ...
La nouvelle extension de cartes Pokémon Écarlate et Violet est bientôt disponible et elle est absolument incroyable.
Le membre Reddit Fairerman vient de partager des images inédites qui mélangent l'univers des Pokemon et celui de Warcraft. Si ...
Twinklestar Sprites sur Dreamcast est un shoot'em up dont l'action intense contraste avec un style graphique mignon et coloré ... plus dures et ennuyeuses de Pokémon Pocket Il y a 1 heure ...
My Pokémon Ranch est un jeu de gestion sur Wii ... sur Wii dans lequel on retrouve bien évidemment le chaton le plus mignon de la galaxie, mais aussi d'autres personnages comme My Melody ...
There are hundreds of TM locations for trainers to find in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. TMs, which stand for Technical Machines, are single use items that teach your pocket monsters new moves.
This set focuses on four iconic Trainers: N, Iono, Lillie, and Hop, each getting Pokémon ex that showcase the strong bonds they share with their teams. If you’ve ever wanted a deck where N’s ...
Pokémon Go will be sold to Saudi-backed Monopoly Go maker Scopely as part of a $3.5bn deal, developer Niantic has confirmed. Word that a deal was in the offing was first reported last month. As ...
The Pokemon TCG has been around for more than a quarter of a century now and during that time has spawned plenty of visually stunning Pokemon cards. Online stores are also an option. Besides ...
It might sound a little silly that there’s an entire subgenre of influencers who offer investment advice around Pokémon trading cards. Probably because it is a little silly. The idea of some ...