But he grabbed a rope and was rescued by the crew and would go on to work for John Carver, Plymouth Colony’s first governor, and sign the Mayflower Compact. He would also have 10 children and 88 ...
Mayflower II, atPilgrim Memorial State Park. Also located around the park are statues of important historical figures, including William Bradford, governor of Plymouth Colony who is buried in the ...
50 States #1 in Pre-K-12 Separatists fleeing religious persecution in England arrived aboard the Mayflower at Plymouth Harbor in 1620. Another colony called the Massachusetts Bay Colony ...
To bind the group into a political body, Bradford helped draft the important Mayflower Compact en route to America. Once on land, he helped select the site for the new colony. In 1621, after the ...
50 States #1 in Public Health Separatists fleeing religious persecution in England arrived aboard the Mayflower at Plymouth Harbor in 1620. Another colony called the Massachusetts Bay Colony ...