Jim Winkle A penguin-shaped seabird ... “I carried it like a baby to the car, and it didn’t make any noise, it was pretty calm,” Winkle said. “It did poop all over my jacket, but otherwise ...
The foul stench of penguin poop sets Antarctic krill on edge. In lab experiments, the mere scent of penguin droppings — or guano — sent krill scrambling for escape, researchers report March 20 in ...
Just a faint whiff of penguin poop pushes their favorite prey to take "frantic" evasive action, reveals new research.
The zoo also recently announced on social media the hatching of new baby seahorses and updates on two Asian elephants.
The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium has announced the hatching of two penguin chicks, the birth of two expecting Asian elephants, ...
Although a single penguin is capable of devouring thousands of krill in a single sitting, swarms of the zooplankton may ...
Jamie Wood Penguin poop is stinky but useful. In Antarctica, the birds’ nutrient-rich guano allows mosses and other organisms to flourish in an otherwise inhospitable place. And, since poop ...
And while these videos in and of themselves are worth watching for how adorable they are, sometimes they also have an extra surprise you were not expecting, such as a baby Penguin that looks like ...
The parts of the brain needed to remember words have been identified. Those areas are affected by a common form of epilepsy, ...
It was just a few months ago that Australia's beloved Pesto the Penguin went viral for weighing nearly 50 pounds at just 9 months old. Now, the U.S. has its own baby penguin that some are saying ...