Q: My old toilet has black stains where you see water, not on the sides of the bowl. I have tried using Zep Acidic Toilet Bowl Cleaner with no luck. Also, I have tried chlorine and other toilet ...
Your spleen is in the upper left part of your belly. One of its main jobs is to recycle old red blood cells. PV makes the spleen work harder to remove all the extra blood cells. All that extra ...
The following stainings were performed: H&E, trichrome, Perls, reticulin ... (right), on T1-weigthed image in the portal phase. PAS staining: (a) foci of clear hepatocytes (arrow) close to ...
To eliminate Serratia marcescens in household settings, cleaning products containing bleach or hydrogen peroxide are typically effective in removing both the bacteria and its characteristic pink stain ...
One of the worst things about coffee stains is that they almost always happen first thing in the morning. After all, that’s when most people have their first dose of caffeine for the day. But then one ...
In the scope of housework, hard water stains are high on the list of public enemies in my home. Because we live in a place with hard water, they're devilishly difficult to remove (and incredibly quick ...
Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA) is a rare early-onset degenerative disease that affects both the central and peripheral nervous systems, and other extraneural tissues, mainly the heart and endocrine ...
A 69-year-old man presented at our Department of Neurology in December 2016 with acute aphasia. His medical history was notable of splenectomy after a spleen rupture due to a car accident at the age ...
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