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A video shared to YouTube by a wildlife researcher shows a coyote and a badger teaming up to hunt prairie dogs.
A year after shortening Michigan’s coyote hunting season to avoid months where pups are dependent on their parents to survive, state game regulators are mulling a proposal that would reverse the ...
While coyotes hunt small mammals like mice, squirrels, woodchucks, and rabbits, Pettit said dogs and cats are not a common food choice. Pettit said at 35-45 pounds, coyotes don’t confront ...
We now manage all types of wildlife and do quite well. Coyotes are an “invasive species” to this state. We do not need them. We do not want them. We do not want to eliminate them, but to ...
The Pennsylvania Game Commission offered its annual report to the House Game and Fisheries Committee including a $460 million ...
It seems bobcats are right under our noses but it took a trail camera photo to let me know what I’ve been missing all these ...
Male coyotes may travel greater distances to hunt more intensively while seeking additional food to support the female and pups. Litters of four-to-six pups are born in ground dens, brush piles ...
But here we are, five years on, noting that on March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization officially decreed that the novel coronavirus was indeed that - a pandemic that recognized no borders, had ...
During last year’s legislative session, a coterie of urban lawmakers from southern Maine tried hard to pass a bill that would have drastically curtailed Maine’s well-established coyote control program ...
Coyotes hold a prominent position as top predators in Ohio’s ecosystems. Furthermore, their adaptability, intelligence, and hunting prowess have allowed them to thrive in various habitats, including ...
A new report is highlighting successful wildlife protection stories across Pa., and Centre County is on the list. The report ...