Megalodon have always been compared to the modern great white shark. Scientists have found a reason why it shouldn't be.
Jason Rosenfeld and Luke Beard have caught plenty of fish, but one catch on Saturday is one they'll remember for a lifetime.
Anglers surf fishing North Carolina’s Outer Banks caught and released a massive great white shark on March 16.
Florida researchers have identified a record-breaking great white shark as it is tracked down Florida's coastline ahead of ...
New research reignites debate over the size of this extinct giant, also suggesting it looked unlike a great white ...
The biggest, most formidable shark to have ever roamed the ocean may have been even larger than previously thought, according ...
A shortfin mako shark, the fastest-swimming shark in the world, was caught on camera with an octopus catching a ride on its back off the coast of New Zealand.
Megalodon was likely a long, streamlined predator, not a bulky giant. Scientists compared its bones with modern sharks.
Great whites can appear year-round in the waters along the North Carolina coast, but they are most common during winter and ...
OUTER BANKS, N.C. — A dream came true for a number of fishermen on Saturday, catching a great white shark from the shore in ...
museums and others participating in the Ocean Census, a global alliance founded to accelerate the discovery of marine life. New species of shark, sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral ...