The planet is warming, and the ice on the north coast of Labrador is shrinking. Inuit elders and researchers tell us how ice is connected to Inuit ways of living, what’s at risk for their people and ...
The show, which premiered in January on CBC Gem, follows Siaja, a young Inuk mother trying to reinvent her life after a ...
On the morning of April 5, deputies and members of the Humane Society found a male Northern Inuit and a female Alaskan Husky tied up to the tree on Wood Drive. The dogs were secured with short ...
Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC ... “Unpacking social-ecologic systems: case studies of polar bear and narwhal management in Northern Canada,” in Firket Berkes et al (eds.), Ibid. 2005: 269–290, at ...
Three Inuit women are suing the North West Company over a subsidy it receives from a program called Nutrition North Canada.
and creating jobs where Inuit knowledge will be leveraged and valorized to protect Northern ecosystems.
For 16 years, the Northern Lights Business and Cultural Showcase has brought together artists and businesses from across Inuit Nunangat to network and develop partnerships. But it's now being ...
Ferguson, J.D. (1957) A Study of the Effects of the D.E.W. Line Upon the Eskimo of the Western Canadian Arctic, Northern Research Co-ordination Centre, Ottawa (2 volume, unpublished typescript –INAC ...
Minnie’s Hope serves Whapmagoostui and Kuujjuaraapik, side-by-side Cree and Inuit communities on the coast of Hudson Bay. Normally their health services are administered by separate authorities ...
With these investments, we are building an economy based on conservation, investing in community infrastructure like the Arctic Bay Small Craft Harbour, and creating jobs where Inuit knowledge will be ...