it’s probably a mountain chickadee. These little birds forage in high coniferous Western forests, from Canada to near the Rio ...
Chickadees are plump, sparrow-sized birds with tiny beaks. Mountain chickadees are a bit larger and stockier than the black-capped chickadee. Both species have a black cap and throat with a white ...
The most widespread, numerous, and geographically variable chickadee, this bird brightens winter days ... Although the mountain chickadee is the black-capped’s closest relative, the Carolina ...
Peak bird migration is about to start in Colorado and around the country. Here are tools for tracking and identifying the ...
The chestnut-backed chickadee is curious about humans, and spends the postbreeding and winter seasons foraging noisily in mixed-species flocks. Unlike other parids (except for the mountain ...
Peak bird migration is about to start in Utah and around the country. Here are tools for birding and how to identify the ...
Some 1 million birds were in Colorado on Tuesday. Colorado and other Rocky Mountain states have altitudinal migrants, such as the Clark's nutcracker, the mountain chickadee and rosy finches.