Hoopa Unbound can be a great Psychic-type attacker for raids. However, it is outshone by a bunch of Mega Evolutions and Mewtwo. It cannot defend Gyms but it can provide you offensive assistance in ...
So here’s everything you need to know to take down Cliff, earn some sweet rewards, and get a chance to catch a Shadow Pokemon in the process. Team Go Rocket Leader Cliff has long been a thorn in ...
Landorus Therian is the best Ground type Pokémon (excluding Mega and Shadow Pokémon) making it a true force of nature in both PvP and PvE. So it goes without saying that you absolutely need a Lando-T ...
Wilbolt Storm, the signature move of Thundurus Theiran, has finally been added to its movepool. This is a 1-bar charged move that deals a whopping 140 damage. The combination of Volt Switch and ...