Subsequent x-rays showed that the stone was riddled with microscopic diamonds, the hardest substance known. The scientists theorized that the meteorite's diamonds were born during a cataclysmic ...
High-pressure minerals have been identified mainly in two contexts: shocked meteorites and diamond inclusions. These minerals provide essential insights into the compositions and processes ...
Archaeologists have discovered 'extraterrestrial metal' used to create jewellery in ancient burial sites in Poland.
Many of the meteoritic fragments around Arizona's Meteor Crater (and also three other meteorites) contain bits of diamond. These inclusions provide information on the history of the meteorites ...
In 1891, examining a meteorite in Canyon Diablo, Arizona, scientists reported finding "hard particles" within it. Later, in 1939, these hard particles were confirmed to be a mixture of diamonds ...
First identified in 1967, lonsdaleite is the hardest naturally-occuring mineral ever discovered—yes, it’s even harder than diamonds. Lonsdaleite, however, has only been found in meteorites ...
Some investments are “quite literally out of this world”, said ITV. Last week at Sotheby’s Dubai, a 555.55 carat black diamond called “The Enigma” was unveiled and it will become the ...