To keep up with competitors, trading card games often need to develop new mechanics and new styles of cards so that players remain engaged and want to keep purchasing new sets. 2025 has begun quite ...
Mega Lucario is the first Mega Evolution featured in the new Might and Mastery season. Check out how to take down this Fighting/Steel creature so you can add it to your Pokemon Go team. Pokemon Go ...
A new Pokemon Legends: Z-A leak has allegedly revealed details about the Mega Evolutions of the final forms of the starter ...
Z-A made a surprise appearance at the final Nintendo Switch 1 Direct to show off more features. However, while that was happening, even more in ...
Pokemon Go has revealed a new Mega Raid Day event, adding one of the final needed Mega Evolutions to the mobile game.
Pokemon Legends: Z-A is finally bringing the fan-favorite Mega Evolution mechanic back after it was originally left behind on ...
One of the big selling points of Pokémon Legends: Z-A is that the Switch RPG is bringing back Mega Evolutions. These are temporary transformations that only a handful of Pokémon get that alter ...
The arrival of Mega Evolutions in Pokemon TCG is reportedly much closer than you think, with the first release dates now locked in.
rumored to feature an official Mega evolution of the creature. The Mega Victreebel design features an upside-down stance, more leaves and teeth, and a yellow and red color scheme resembling ...
From a number of sources, of varying reliability, hints about how many new Mega Evolutions will be included in Pokémon Legends: Z-A have popped up over the last several weeks. Now, it looks like ...