Alpha Delta Kappa, Epsilon Chapter, met via Zoom (due to extremely cold weather) on Feb. 19 for its monthly meeting with 22 ...
Scranton Cultural Center at The Masonic Temple, 420 N ... on and around. A theater, gift shop, train rides, tours and painstakingly preserved grounds of this antique property provide everything ...
Donors receive free FC Cincinnati shirt and gifts from Music Hall partners ... MUSEUM: Mystery & Benevolence: Masonic and Odd Fellows Folk Art, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Monday, Taft Museum ...
Gene and Charlotte treated Kellie and me to dinner at Hefner Grill on my 50th birthday. The conversation and charge to do what we can to improve the quality of life in Oklahoma that night was the gift ...
The country star couple celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary this weekend, and Brittany surprised Aldean with a huge -- ...
Got candles? Cake? A thoughtful gift? If so, then all that's left is to warm up your vocal chords ahead of singing “Happy Birthday” and signing the card. If you've picked out just the right ...
The Denver Fire Department said a power line was “accidentally struck” during construction work at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus on Wednesday, March 12 Latoya Gayle joined PEOPLE ...
In a world where extended families are increasingly far-flung, it’s traditions like these that can help families maintain connections across decades.
Vaddie Todd celebrated her 108th birthday at McGregor Independent Living, where she's resided for nearly 19 years.