“Games in this series pit you against cancer cells — personified as zombies — using a multiscale, open simulation where the player can fashion ... like Luke Skywalker and C3PO.
Collectibles that have generated a lot of interest happen to be linked to childhood memorabilia. Now, many people are finding out toys and items from their youth can be worth a lot of money.
American novelist Jason Pargin has stated in a quite brutal Star Wars critique that he believes "The Mandalorian is dead." Does Pargin have a point?
Others who want to see the history of the Star Wars universe can go through the Skywalker Saga's three ... to end the original trilogy in dramatic fashion with Return of the Jedi.
In perhaps the most blatant instance of a Star Wars character plugging a plot hole, at one point in Return Of The Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi brushes aside the lies he told Luke about Vader with this ...
They include Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist ... between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Both Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi feature prominently as characters, as they ...
To see Luke Skywalker tangle below the AT-AT’s hull on a cable makes ... The functional sliding elevator then takes you to the second floor, where you’ll find a fashion store, construction site, comic ...
The iconic stature achieved by Luke Skywalker has transcended a single movie in the Star Wars franchise. The famous Jedi ...
Now, via Gizmodo, we’ve learned that a very significant piece from A New Hope is up for sale, as Luke Skywalker’s medal, awarded to him on Yavin IV by Princess Leia, is going up for auction ...
Grand Master Luke Skywalker is basically Luke’s final form. In Legends, Luke spent decades relearning the teachings of the old Jedi, mastering as many esoteric Force powers as possible ...