Eager to be first in line, the astute James VI of Scotland responded to the question of the English succession with a war of ...
James also brought a different type of architecture back to Scotland ... to be king. James's grandfather, Robert II, had married twice and had numerous children. The children from the first ...
We know King James I of England primarily through his name being attached to the King James Version of the Holy Bible, which was printed in 1611. Before he was James I of England, he was James VI of ...
James IV has been acclaimed by historians as the first true Renaissance king of Scotland. Under his rule, James patronised the arts and sciences and Scotland flourished as a result. It was during ...
Scotland's History Articles James I, King of Scots 1406 – 1437 The Adobe ... court was dominated by James uncle, Robert Stewart, 1st Duke of Albany. The Duke resolutely refused to pay the ...
James IV has been acclaimed by historians as the first true Renaissance king of Scotland. Under his rule, James patronised the arts and sciences and Scotland flourished as a result. It was during ...