A controversial scheme housing asylum seekers in a former military barracks will be scrapped this year, it’s been revealed.
A plot of land earmarked for homes which would be “squeezed in” between rows of Victorian terraces has hit the market.
Folkestone in Kent has been dubbed the 'new Brighton' by many, and it's not hard to see why. The town is a haven for art lovers and is even home to a sculpture that looks like the Eiffel Tower ...
The cheapest place in Kent to fill up your car with petrol is at a Tesco garage in Folkestone. According to the latest data supplied by retailers, a driver in an average family car could save up to ...
An artist known as Mr Doodle is set to win his battle to have a quirky art-covered beach home in Kent despite objections from ...
The Home Office and Border Force says owners, drivers, hirers and operators must secure their vehicles to prevent ...
Halfords, a leading provider of motoring services and products, has extended an offer of interview to all ATS' members of ...
That’s 6.4% more than a year earlier, equivalent to an extra £28,000 on each house sold, and is the largest percentage ...
Fiorenzo Sauro (pictured), chief of Enzo's Homes Ltd, previously made headlines in 2019 when he was fined £100,000 for ...
Some of the mess is thought to have been in the house for as long as a decade ... Even when I called Folkestone council and told them what was going on, no one bothered to do anything." ...
A holiday-making couple who were fined £1,500 after finding and reporting an "immigrant" on their motorhome have had the ...